This last week has been particularly rough. As I have been growing there are growing pains that have been testing my resolve for keeping going. 

Enter the lily in bloom. The story behind this lily is one that touches me deeply. My soul sisters Jen, gifted me a beautiful orange lily about 8 years ago that flourished in my garden. When my family and I moved to Alberta, as a parting gift I dug up the lily and gave half back to Jen and took half with me to Alberta.

Fast forward to this week when my resolve was being tested. I was feeling particularly low. I had been struggling with my transcribing and going through a patch of stupid mistakes that have cost me my seniority, which makes it incredibly hard for me to make what I need to make cash wise.

On the other hand, I’m also taking it as a sign to really get my ass in gear with what I do with Shaklee. Because as much as I appreciate what I make with freelance transcribing, it’s not something I can sustain full time for my income. I was struggling with this as the push to really rock and roll with Shaklee because I was in a stinking thinking frame of mind.

My dear friend Jen posted this picture with a story of how the bleeding heart that the lily is growing under had taken over the flower bed and choked out every other bulb except this little lily. The lily that we both have some of in our gardens. It was a reminder that no matter what challenges come my way that I have a choice, I can be choked out my the bigger plants or I can find a way to the sun and bloom anyway.  

Hence the title F*ck you, I’m blooming.  

So if you are going through a rough patch and wondering if you should carry on, let this little flower gift you the strength to keep going. Where there is a will there is a way. Find your path to the sun and bloom regardless of how big the challenge is around you.  

You can do it if you really want to.   

Hugs, Kristin.

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