I just finished watching for out Christmas Eve tradition the Muppet Christmas Carol. This is by far my favorite Christmas movie. It has one of my all-time favorite actors in it, Michael Caine. And mean it’s the Muppets man, you can’t go wrong. It is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated Christmas movies ever, I have never seen in on any Christmas movie list. But anyway, that’s for another post, back to why I want to be a Scrooge this Christmas.  

When we say you’re being a Scrooge we take it as an insult. I find this funny seeing as Scrooge by the end of the tale becomes the most amazing person in London. This is a fantastic tale of going through your shadow self and coming out on the other side being the best version of you. He was able to see his mistakes and become a caring, loving contributor to society. Granted he needed to be haunted for a night by his past, present and possible future. But in the end, everything turned out beautiful.  
So this year, yes I want to be Scrooge on Christmas day. I want to be a beacon of light for those around me. I want to carry mounds of joy and share it with all those I encounter. So if you have been called a Scrooge this year, choose to be the Scrooge of Christmas day and share the love.  
From my home to yours Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. I wish you an amazing New Years. I appreciate you and am excited to share the next year with you!

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